Xero Financial Reports Ready for Company
Learn how to generate reports in Xero Practice that can then be used as financial and management reports across all of your clients.
Building a Tax Planning Template in Xero
We cover, how to build a summary page, projected profilt and loss, build and use a tax reconcilliation template, build an individual and company estimate and how to build a payment schedule.
Converting Clients Fixed Assets & Editing Report Templates in Xero
We cover how to set up a clients fixed assets and adding asset pools.
Best Practice Workflows in Xero Practice Manager
*How to get the most out of your invoicing * Manage timesheets and WIP * How to best use the Practice Manager's job templates * Better track performance and KPI's * Navigate the Dashboard and Clients tabs
Xero HQ Reporting
In this one hour CPD webinar we look at Xero HQ Reporting and how to make the most out of it.
Creating Management Report Templates in Xero
Neha takes you through how to create managment reports in Xero that will help in advisory. We cover how to set up a clients fixed assets and adding asset pools. These are the more complex aspects of switching a client to Xero.