Future Accountants

We are a team of Accountants wanting to help the future generation by providing them with the practical tools they need to start their accounting career in Australia. We assist in putting the right systems in place from the get-go by offering on the job experiences and real life examples to ensure the success of those just starting their accounting career.


Have any questions? We'd love to hear from you! If you want to buy the course for multiple students please contact us for a discount.

Ongoing Support

Neha will be available online on Fridays 2:30pm - 3:00pm (AEDT) for online questions and queries. You can email course related questions to [email protected].

Upon joining, you will have access to a closed facebook group for all your questions and will receive a zoom link for your weekly support sessions.

Course curriculum

Duration: 5 Weeks (1.5 hr session per week)

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • A message from the instructor
    • Welcome Pack
    • How to use this course
    • Before we begin...
    • Accessing softwares for practice
  • 2
    Module 1: Practice Systems Setup and management
    • In this module you will learn setting up Systems for your practice
    • Overview
    • WorkFlowMax accessing - For those who have never used it before
    • WorkFlowMax set up
    • Ideal process for WorkflowMax
    • Slack and Asana set up and tying in with WFM
    • Stripe Set up and management
    • Test your learning
  • 3
    Module 2: Staff Management
    • In this module you will learn how to manage, and grow your team working from home (Offshore or Onshore)
    • Module 2: Overview
    • Interviewing, and testing
    • Staff Onboarding / Team training / Ongoing Professional Development - Setting staff for Success
    • Setting up KPIS
    • Team management
  • 4
    Module 3: Setting up and managing Processes
    • Introduction
    • Overview
    • Process Overview - Planing and further steps
    • Functional / Service based Processes
    • Client Specific Processes
    • Documenting Processes
    • Summary in Excel
  • 5
    Module 4: Bringing Staff, systems and processes together creating Happy and versatile practice
    • In this module you will learn how to bring people, systems and processes together
    • Overview
    • Systems and people:)
    • Processes and people:)
    • Download used in the lessons
  • 6
    Module 5: Managing Client expectations
    • Client Onboarding - Introduction
    • Client Onboarding - Step by Step
    • Client Management
    • Managing staff and client together
    • Creating Happy Practice
    • Service Level Agreement example
  • 7
    Next steps
    • More resources for you...
    • Before you go...
    • Congratulations! You have now completed the course!

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Cost: $500 plus GST

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