Bundle includes
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
Introduction to Tax Planning Bundle - How to best use this
Building a Tax Planning Template in Xero
We cover, how to build a summary page, projected profilt and loss, build and use a tax reconcilliation template, build an individual and company estimate and how to build a payment schedule.
Building a Tax Planning Template & Ratio Analysis in Xero (for AU & NZ accountants)
In this one hour webinar we take you through how to build a tax planning template at Xero HQ level and ratio analysis
Tax Planning Template, Ratio Analysis & Super Contribution Report
In this one hour webinar we take you through how to build a tax planning template at Xero HQ level and ratio analysis and Super Contribution Report.
Consolidating Tax Planning Template in Xero - Semi Automated Way
In this one hour webinar we take you through how to build a tax planning template at Xero HQ level.
WORKSHOP - Building a Tax Planning Template for Trusts in Xero
In this interactive workshop one hour webinar we take you through how to build a tax planning template at Xero HQ level for trusts.